1. Do you believe extraterrestrials exist?
2. Do you believe they are visiting us and that UFO sightings and crop circles are proof of this?
3. Do you believe these signs are intended to make us more aware of their presence and to prepare us for an imminent official contact?
If you answered ‘yes’ to these three questions, then you are ready to consider our Optional Protocol!
Without a special diplomatic protocol recognized and endorsed by at least three countries, the official reception of a civilization is very unlikely, if not impossible. In the same way that an official delegation from another country cannot be granted diplomatic rights and privileges without a Common Convention, in this case the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961).
If you believe that the optional protocol is a viable and essential solution to the official welcome of an extraterrestrial civilization and are in a position to influence the government of your country to consider and join it, contact us to agree on the best time for a virtual or in-person meeting to discuss it and agree on the best possible strategy to achieve this.
Contact: Daniel Turcotte – danielt@ETembassy.org