Advantages that last for years thereafter

Consider hosting

Every four years, countries compete ferociously for the privilege of hosting the Olympic Games. During those events, the entire planet focuses for a few days on the selected country, which gains not only increased stature in the eyes of the world but technological and financial advantages that last for years thereafter.

But playing temporary host to the Olympic Games pales in comparison to the honour and importance of permanently hosting the Embassy of the extraterrestrials!

Remember, only one country can be the site for this milestone historical event. Its resulting political, social, financial, historical and scientific advantages will not only last, but increase over time. People worldwide will forever look upon the host country as the leader of the Golden Age.

The country granting the necessary extraterritoriality and authorization for the embassy to be built within its territory will not only benefit financially but will enjoy the protection of the extraterrestrials. It will become the spiritual and scientific centre of the planet for millennia to come and happiness will prevail within its borders.

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The country selected to host this project will benefit from large amounts of additional revenue over the next decade.

  • Their homeland will have the prestige of performing a great service for humanity.
  • The country granting the necessary extraterritoriality and authorization for the ET Embassy to be built within its territory will not only benefit financially but will also enjoy the protection of the extraterrestrials.
  • It will become the spiritual and scientific center of the planet for millennia to come and happiness will prevail within its borders.


An extraterrestrial embassy within a futuristic, scientific, tourist complex, a scale model of the Embassy open to the public, all designed as a world-class destination, will be a testament to the evolution of our civilization reaching for the stars and be an amazing drawcard with the potential to generate at least three million visitors per year.  Assuming an average spend of US$800 per visitor, these visitors would spend about US$2.4 billion in the host country annually.  Obviously, the tourism value after extraterrestrial contact is incalculable, but probably it would have the potential to draw more visitors than any site listed in the previous section, and possibly more than all of them put together.

In addition, tourism provides opportunities for economic diversification and skills upgrading. Developing countries can leverage tourism to support local companies and entrepreneurs in developing new products and exports. The tourism sector provides a means by which local entrepreneurs can experiment with new products and test them on international markets in their home country before exporting. International tourists typically create demand for products and services that may not have already existed in the local market and at a higher quality than usual.

The host country will be the “hottest” destination of all time, drawing world leaders, entertainment celebrities, and business VIPs; scientists and researchers of all kinds; tourists motivated by curiosity or the desire to celebrate or both; businessmen and retailers hoping to profit from the surging economy of the embassy area; the media (on a continuing, permanent basis); UFO buffs and UFO skeptics; seekers and students of all ages; visitors taking part in organized tours and seminars; and men, women, and children of all ages seeking to be healed, advised or instructed, along with many others simply happy to be near the extraterrestrials.

Simply put, the country hosting the embassy will become the most significant tourist center in Earth’s history, the place most often featured in the news, and the most prestigious location on the planet.


By definition, cultural tourism is often focused on visits to very old structures of cultural significance, such as the Great Pyramids, or to places of outstanding natural beauty, like Niagara Falls.

Accordingly, it is difficult to create a new cultural tourism destination, but there is a relatively untapped market: UFO and ET tourism.  Tourist spending related to crop circles contributes hugely to Wiltshire’s £850m tourism industry. The famous alleged UFO crash site at Roswell is one of the top fifteen destinations contributing to New Mexico’s staggering 28.2 million visitors per year.

According to the global market research firm Technavio, cultural tourism is expected to grow with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of almost 8% between 2020-2024, increasing in value from a pre-pandemic US$10 trillion per year to over US$12.6 trillion per year.

In terms of visitor numbers, almost 1.2 billion people – one out of seven people on the planet – traveled abroad in 2015 and 37% of these international tourists chose their vacations based on the cultural offerings of the destination country.

Typically, they travel to places of outstanding natural beauty, or home to culturally significant sites (such as monuments, museums, festivals, and regions of folklore) or places associated with extraterrestrial contact, for example:

Sites Visitors per year
New Mexico (incl. Roswell), US 38.2 million
Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt 14.7 million
Niagara Falls, Canada 13 million
Colosseum, Rome, Italy 9.6 million
Mecca, Saudi Arabia 9 million
The Taj Mahal, Agra, India 7 to 8 million
Eiffel Tower, Paris, France 7 million


Scientopolis TM: the world’s leading-edge scientific hub!

When the Embassy is under construction our planners will move their focus to the next project: Scientopolis, a new city near the Embassy in which science is at the service of humanity, without political, military, or economic interference or influence, to the equal benefit of all people.

With the continued support of the host country, we will build Scientopolis. This new city will provide the best research facilities possible, significant research funds, high salaries and no income tax, in order to gather the top scientists of the world in one place and thereby reach technological singularity as soon as possible.

While it is impossible to predict the top priorities for science ten years from now, the following are a few research fields that we might prioritize:

Artificial intelligence
Stem cells
Computer science, and
Environmental science