Embassy for an ET civilization: Raelians announce the project timeline

LAS VEGAS, March 30 – The International Raelian Movement is officially announcing the timeline of the ET Embassy project; initiated more than 40 years ago by RAEL to welcome an advanced extraterrestrial civilization to Earth at an official embassy.

Daniel Turcotte, Raël’s assistant for the ET Embassy Project, explains: “Phase 1 of the project is a diplomatic initiative that has been going on for many years now, culminating, on October 7th, 2016, with our submission to then Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of an optional protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. This draft protocol sets out the diplomatic arrangements for embassies for extraterrestrials. We have also proposed that there be a conference of all interested nations for the purpose of discussing this draft protocol, a copy of which has now been posted on the www.elohimembassy.org website.” Turcotte added that, “Phase 1 will be completed when two or more countries have ratified the optional protocol, and we expect that this should be achieved by 2019’’.

He went on to explain that “Phase 2 will consist of analyzing possible sites in the three most suitable of the countries that have signed the diplomatic protocol and then choosing our preferred site. Phase 3 will then cover the negotiations for the transfer of the site to the International Raelian Movement, along with any necessary agreements for major off-site infrastructure. Each of these phases are expected to require 3 to 4 years.”

Daniel Turcotte concluded with “Phase 4 will consist of detailed site analysis, planning, design, approvals, contracts, construction, landscaping and commissioning so that the Embassy can be fully operational and ready to welcome the ET civilization by 2030’’.

Raelians believe that the extraterrestrial civilization, referred to by Turcotte, created all life on Earth, including human beings, and that it is very peaceful and far more advanced than we are, both scientifically and philosophically.  They are known as the Elohim, and they will not officially return to Earth until we welcome them at an embassy and grant them appropriate diplomatic status, after which peace will prevail on this planet.  

Worldwide this week, thousands of Raelians will again be in the streets and holding conferences and public hearings to further this awareness and the hope and peace it confers.


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